Of all the recent stories in our club’s history, there is one that stands, for any young player, as the cautionary tale to ...
Keevins filed his latest piece of absolute tosh. That his bosses think he’s worth the salary is astonishing to me. They might ...
As was entirely predictable when the Sports Writers published their manager of the year list, a lot of them went for the guy over at Ibrox and have ended up looking rather foolish for having done it.
You have to laugh, don’t you? You have to laugh at the mainstream media and the way it tries to put the most pro-Ibrox spin ...
Yesterday was a day of “cryptic teases.” Don’t’ you hate those? Celtic fans are used to this stuff now, to hacks with nothing ...
According to another fan media site, 67HailHail, Simon Donnelly has nixed the Kyogo rumour by checking out, with people he ...
You could set your watch to it. Every year, at the end of the campaign, after we’ve taken the major prizes, the narrative ...
One of the most enduring myths in Scottish sport is the one about Nice Guy Ally. It is grimly effective because he can, at ...
There are a lot of stories at the moment which beep on the radar and then disappear, and sometimes I plan to write about them ...
There’s an old joke from the old Soviet era military which goes something like this; “Why can’t a corporals son become a ...
I’m going to know who actually reads this by the comments. I couldn’t believe some of the reactions to the article yesterday ...
Before the game kicked off, I said that it’s outcome would depend on what version of Celtic showed up. In the end, I thought ...